When the King of Pop died a few days ago, I was overcome by a gloom I never expected. I genuinely was upset over a celebrity, and I'm not one to idolize high-profile figures nor do I surf TMZ. Driving home from work that heavy night, his music diffused across the airwaves; his hits endless, and with ease they cut straight to my core.
I came across some crazy conspiracy theories when researching the results of his autopsy: he was abducted by aliens, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had him killed to direct attention away from the chaos in Tehran, or my favorite- he's still alive! (is MJ moving inside of the body bag?) As one journalist reported, "nothing as routine as heart failure would suffice for the grand finale of this extraordinarily talented man."
Admired or despised, Michael Jackson is a legend. His tumultuous childhood paved the way for an even rougher adulthood. But despite his eccentric personal life, his genius in sound orchestrated a timeless dimension of music that will forever transcend generations.