On my search for other Craigslist fans, I learned about a man named Michael Ferris Gibson. Gibson, a San Francisco native, was captivated by Craigslist when the website was still newborn. He browsed every section, contacting users through their anonymous emails requesting authorization to follow them through their listing experiences. The resulting documentary, 24 Hours on Craigslist, was completed in 2005 and featured in nine film festivals, winning "best feature documentary" along the way. So, learn about the joys of Craigslist, or perhaps depths of it you never knew existed. Enjoy!
view the trailer here: http://24hoursoncraigslist.com/subs/trailer.html
I have the full film if you are interested in seeing more!
i;ve just weaned myself off of craigslist... for the time being at least. it's not healthy. why is it so important that i know of every single job opening or available apartment? i have a job, and a place to live, but it never seems to lose its charm. looking forward to the film, for sure!